Monday, February 3, 2020

Week 23 2/3/20 Birthday party with the whole street.

Week 23 2/3/20
I'm keeping it short this week cause honestly I just wanna take a nappy. 

So... There we were.... Walking the street after another full night of citas all fell... We went to go visit a family we had a cita with on Sunday to invite them to church too. We were on his street about to knock his door when so random guy just started talking to us and invited us to talk with him and his family. They were cooking because it was that guy's birthday. He invited us to eat with him. Then they took their giant pots to the neighbors house who we've been trying to get into for a while too. They were all super welcoming and awesome. About 25 people were there all from that street/coldest sack. We've started teaching some of them now. The whole street knows us now and just loves us a ton. 
I learned 2 things that night while we just ate with a bunch of strangers and enjoyed a meal together. 

1) missionary work and find people should be joyful and fun 

2) first and foremost we are all brothers and sisters spiritually. Some people at the meal didn't want to listen to anything about our religion but they still respected us and loved us first. We have much more in common then we have different. We didn't teach anything with them or had a formal discussion with them but we made relationships and that's where it all starts! 

Love y'all hope y'all are doing well. I'd love to hear y'all's experiences and just your weeks/days/months. You know where to email me.

Elder Corbett 

Week 22 1/27/20 Learn the why of the gospel first!

Holy cow I feel like there's not a single week here that something doesn't happen. This week we got cornered by dogs twice. Also Miguel said he feels baptism is the right step for him. WOAH

Holy cow I'm tired. Anyways We found a ton of new people this week. I did interchanges with the zone leaders this week. I went with a elder that was in my area for 8 months so he showed me a ton of old people they were teaching. Me and my normal comp went to one yesterday. She started off by saying she didn't want to change and she couldn't. "Im not living the commandments but I'm happy with my 'sin'." It was really sad. She didn't understand at all why God gives us commandments. I just bore my testimony of how when I wasn't living the commandments very well, I thought too I was happy. But with the help of Christ I was able realize a new and better way to live. She changed throughout our talk with her. I learned that we can tell people the things of the gospel and tell them to do it but that's not conversion. They need to understand why and act on faith in the promises of the lord. They need to actually desire these things. LOOOOOVE being a missionary. 

GUESS WHAT FELLAS?!? The Come Follow Me program is awesome. We did it as a house this week. It was super spiritual and awesome. Come Follow Me when done can help you and your family grow so much together. You will invite the spirit into your life. Through the spirit you will grow your conversion to Christ and the atonement.  I feel so much closer to everyone of the people that I live with now. 

*Invite y'all to do come follow me with a real desire to learn and grow your faith. I promise that you will.*

(Maybe one week I'll have pics again who knows)

Love Elder Corbett 

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Week 21 1/20/19 Another week, another 1000 milagros.


Being a missionary is just so fun and just the best. We had a super tough day of just contacting a ton on Friday. Through the whole day we were like" the darkest nights bring the brightest Dawn's". We had next to no success all day. And then at night we had our first cita not cancel on us (7 canceled on us). We were pretty excited to finally teach again. Everything was going really well and Then....(dun dun DUUNN) his drunk friends showed up. He left for a while and we were left with his friends. The first guy was super nice and then the second guy was not as much. He said a lot of choice words because we were American. We then got kicked out of the cita cause he almost tried to throw a punch. Then we started knocking doors again. We knocked on a house that had a really nice family we met before. We knocked it and he then showed up right behind us in his motorcycle. He let us in and he had a ton of questions. It was a super good appointment. It's was really cool cause if we didn't get kicked out by those drunk people we wouldn't have had time to knock his door before our next cita. GOD HAS HIS PLANS FOR US. WE JUST NEED TO BE HUMBLE. 

Scripture for the week 2nephi 4:19-20 "...nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted..." 

Love you family, friends, and everyone in between

-love Elder Corbett

Week 20 1/13/20 Move refrigerators in Mexico 1/13/2020

This week was as amazing as the rest! My comp had the diarrhea. I had the stuffy nose. And we also helped move a huge fridge down two story's with just rope and manpower! Mexico is NUTZ!!! Love this place so much! 

Guillermo and his family is finally progressing. On New Year's Day he stopped drinking completely. He's been almost two weeks clean. (This was all his own accord.) We had a really good lesson on the restoration. He had read 4 CHAPTERS OF THE BOM! He had a bunch of questions and was super receptive to everything.  It's amazing what being sober will do for a person. He did ask if it's ever okay to kill someone (he has a lot of anger for someone) we of course said no. He and all his kids then came to church the next day and I think they enjoyed it a lot. It's awesome to see all the progress in them. Love this work. 

Del olmo family. This family was a miracle that we even found them. Family of 6. They have about 10 years in the church! But they've been totally inactive for 3-4 years now. They told us they 100% agree that the church is true and that the BOM is the word of God. So why don't they attend the church??? It because some members and the bishop was very rude to them and they stopped feeling welcomed! Stupid! But in our talking with them, we just kind of listened and let them tell their story, near the end were like "oh shoot! We need go to church again?!" We didn't even say much to them. It's awesome what having the spirit can do to people and help them realize their own answers if they're open to it. They also said they need to get their brother baptized cause they need to get sealed in the temple. They hopefully will actually come to church with a little bit more working with them and the ward . 

In my Spanish reading of the BOM I've gotten all the way to 2nephi 2. I know 4 months and already that far! I'm killing it. hahaha but in 2 Nephi 2 it talks a lot about how we have 2 choices. 1) the good  2) the bad. The two choices are always there in our lives. It explains how we will also experience both sides. (Go read - Lehi does a better job at explaining it)  My take aways from it though are that no matter the choices and the things we experience in our life we always have the CHOICE to choose Christ and try to become better through him. Becoming like Christ and being Christ like is just that! It's a choice. I'm thankfully for my pains and my afflictions cause it's given me the opportunity to come unto Christ and choose him. I invite you all to choose Christ in your life. To chose to live like him and chose to be like him. And if you screw up just look to him to help you repent.

Love y'all. Bye! 

Elder Corbett 

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Week 19 1-6-20 I actually do enjoy Mexico (here is some proof)

Dear People,             Week 19  1/6/20
     In case there is any wonder if I'm enjoying my mission..... I am. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the past few weeks. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 
Love Elder Corbett

1. A member saint bernard puppy   2. me and my comps matching Christmas ties
3. a huge mall with an ice skating rink  4. cool view from a members house we did service at. 5.all of the castorena missionaries. they all are awesome. 6.pic of our board. by the end of the night we had over 250 post its on there. All personal notes about what Christ has done for them. 7. Hermano Gooseman, we get free tortas tamal from every Tuesday morning. It was his idea for the pic. He awesome and he's tamales are bomb 8.What I wake up to every morning. Love Mexico. 9. part of district 6f from the ccm, still killing the mission game

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Week 18 12/30/19 Christmas and stuff

Dear gente 

This week was Christmas (If you missed it). working on Christmas Eve here is super tough so my comp came up with the grand idea to make a giant board that said "como te ha bendecido jesucristo en tu vida". (How has Jesus Christ blessed your life?) We then proceeded to place it in the middle of a area called the Gardin where there's tons of people. Then for 2 1/2hours we stood outside on Christmas Eve asking people how Christ had blessed their life and asked them to write it down and stick it on the board. We sang hymns. We talked with everyone about Christ and it was just a cool night. Biggest testimony strengthener was how everyone that was open to it left with a bigger smile then when they first started talking.

*I invite you all to think about what Jesus has blessed you with and write it out on a sticky note and stick it somewhere. In your journal, Desk, idk anywhere.*

 I promise that as we recognized Jesus and God in our life's more, the more happiness we feel with our circumstances. I know also that the more we share those experiences the more we will feel the spirit testify that they are from God and your testimony will grow and strengthen. Love y'all! 

Hasta luego 
Con amor, 

~~~~I promise I'll have pictures next week. I've been slacking for the past few weeks. Sorry I'll be better.~~~~

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Week 17 12/23/19 CORBETT WEEK

  I'm on the 11 week of training and I have to lead basically everything we do. My comps been hyping up this week since my first day with him. I had no idea what I was doing half the time but I learned a lot.
First recap of funny dumb things this week. 
-I straight just ran into a metal pole and it made that sound like I'm the cartoons. Super funny.
- member fed us mole enchiladas (gross food) right after talking about how bad it is for our stomach and how gross it is. 
-we watched Polar Express at our Christmas party. 
-we absolutely killed it in the ward and mission talent show with our perfect dance to in poco loco. 

Any ways this week was awesome. We started CORBETT week with some solid contacting after an appointment fell through. I had no idea what to do so we said a prayer and just started in a good direction. We started talking to this young man named John going in to his house with a dog. He was pretty interested so he sat down with us and we taught him about finding spiritual answers through the book of Mormon. He was super in to it and we both felt that we needed to talk to him about baptisms. He committed to baptism and is pretty excited. 
Then we went to an appointment with a cute couple we contacted on the convi. We had a rough day and were lacking energy but they are just the best people ever. Silvia is super pregnant with their first child and Fernando is working and studying right now so they don't have a lot of money. They still went and bought us cookies to eat while we talked and warmed up hot coco. They are nervous for a new baby so we taught the restoration of the gospel and how this church is the best place to raise and cultivate a strong happy family. We all felt the spirit super strong teaching us all the truthfulness of the message. We asked Fernando to offer the last prayer. He was a lil nervous but he gave a beautiful prayer and again we all felt the spirit super strong and after he said he felt really good. We explained that that's the holy ghost and it's telling home he's doing what's right. He asked if we do marriages (they aren't married, very common here). He also said he's not babtised out of nowhere. I love that couple so much. They are just awesome people already. 
Christmas is this week and hope everyone has an awesome Christmas remembering the why of this season. I invite everyone to watch the Christ child video for the first time or again this week. It's so beautiful and just shows the humility in his story and his life. 

Siempre hasta luego y feliz navidad y prospreo año y felizidad. 

-Love Elder Corbett

(Family only)

I have so many more stories and thing I want to share each week about how my testimony has grown in Christ. The apostles felt pretty similar too. John 21:25" And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen" and amen John I can't write them all cause he does to much good in my life each and every day. 
I know that Christ lives. He is the only way back to God. I testify that he is our savior. He love each and every one of us and gave his life. His entire earthy life, from birth to death, all for us. All for other. I know this things because the holy ghost has made it manifest and I have felt his expiacion and his love very powerfully in my life. Remember him always.

Merry Christmas family. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Week 16 12/16/19 DOGs be crazy out here in CDMX 12/16/19

Ya so, a Saint Bernard bit me. We were just contacting on a chill quite street and a super calm and tranquilo Saint Bernard came up to us. I love chill big dogs so me being a dummy, I gave him the classic noggin scratch and then out of nowhere the devil sprung out of him and he snapped at me. Lucky the lord is on my side and I have lightning fast reflexes and he didn't break any skin. Great adrenaline rush though. 
Also same area, we were contacting and knocking doors last night. There was a lil Chihuahua that was trying be tough and barking at us. I being the dummy again and (not learning my lesson) stepped at it to scare it cause they usually just run away.  (Something you gotta know about street dogs. They often got homies. And at night they are much more aggressive).The thing I didn't realize was this Lil guy had 3 other bigger dogs a lil bit behind it and they saw me being a jerk to their friend so they just darted at me!  I got down low acting like I was picking up a rock (which usually scares me) but these ones kept running at me. Me and my comp just started running. But wait I'm a representative of jesucristo so I stood my ground and gave a good ol howler "OOYY!!" and they stopped and ran off. The lord was definitely there protecting me both those times.

My comp finally got better this week so we've just been working super hard everyday. Really cool experiences though this week with being guided by the spirit. We prayed Wednesday morning for where we should contact specifically. We felt to go to the street where the dog bit me and one more. While contacting we found a couple really ready people. then it was almost  time to go to comida so we prayed to be guided to one last house where someone would be ready to hear us. We just started walking and one house where a guy was working was calling my name. We started talking to the guy working and then a young man came out the house and started talking to us. He invited us in and we taught a lil about the restoration and he seems super interested. I know we were guided by the spirit to the house and that we can be guided like that always when we live worthy and seek for its voice. I'm so happy to continue to learn how this voice talks to me. 

Love y'all and hope ya'lls week before Christmas is good. I pray we can all remember the true purpose of this time. 
This video is awesome. It's for Easter but it makes me feel the spirit so strong Every time so invite ya'll to watch it. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Week 15 12/9/19 MCSTRAW DAY

We had the Mexico general authority visit and tell us a few things. He told us to work with members and also to set inspired goals. It's was spiritual and also very confusing at times cause he only spoke Spanish.  I was a bit lost at times. Good stuff though. Spanish is coming along great. :)missions are just peachy

We had CORBETT day a couple weeks ago when I got super sick but now it's my comps turn.  He ate a bunch of  Burger King for his birthday.  He then started getting tummy problems and then just was totally wrecked the rest of the week. (Lesson: don't eat state food in Mexico). Then at the start of the week I was getting terrible migraines. So the whole week one of was some kind of sick. We still had some awesome Milagros. We have started teaching a familia flores of like 12 and they approached us to be taught. I feel they're going to progress pretty nicely. Then their neighbors are even more ready. Family Colin Noranjo(?). They are just gold. They ask all the questions we usually have to fight for people to do or ask. They've asked for a book of Mormon and promised to read. They asked where church was and then showed up!!!! But also with a vecina (neighbor) it's CRAZY! They have so much love for God and just love in general. I can't wait to see their progress this week. 

We also got to eat with a member that's husband is pure American. He doesn't know really Spanish so it was just a great meal filled with the latest movies that have come out and just inside info on the states. I don't really care I was missing stuff until he said the new Mandalorian series of star wars is to die for. So now I'm just dyeing inside waiting for that. Hahaha

On a more spiritual note though...
In Matthew 22: 37-40 Jesus explains the two greatest commandments. 1) LOVE your God with all thy heart, soul, mind and 2)LOVE his children as you LOVE yourself. Verse 40 says though that all other laws/commandments hang on these two. 
Wow. I thought about those 4 verses a lot this week. I sometimes feel it hard to experience the great joy of sharing the gospel talked about all over in the scriptures and general conference. I started thinking though... Why am I sharing this gospel !?  I think my motive has been a lot of  obligation and to feel like I'm doing the right thing cause a book I know is true with all my heart said so. But if I'm doing these things not out of a place of love of course I'm not going to enjoy it. Once I realized I've had some awesome experiences of just feeling pure joy and love for the people here. I just love this gospel so much and all the joy and hope it can bring into people's lives. 
I want everyone back home to know I love them and that this gospel is a gospel of loving others. So this Christmas season go show it and share that love. 

Love, Elder CORBETT 

PS Elder CORBETT does in fact accept email from anyone and everyone so pls send email of anything cause (I) he would love to hear from ya'll. 

For fam-- I want an email from everyone of the testimony of Jesus Christ and, if they feel inclined,  How they received it.

Week 14 12/2/19 Miracle at Temple Christmas lights

Miracle at Temple Christmas lights  12/2/19

This week was awesome. I saw 3 litters of puppy's. (Maybe played with them a lil too) played pickle ball. Drunk guy peep his pants in front of us. Threw up in a bush in the street. Yesterday we went to the ciudad de México templo navidad luzes. (huge miracle there)

   All the people we invited fell through so we were standing outside the church inviting people from the street and we invited this random guy to come see a celebration of the savoir and some cool lights. He said ya sure. Just crazy. He took his whole night to come with us. He's also super excited to learn more about how to make covenants with the Lord and obtain a eternal family. I'm so happy for him. It was a much needed miracle. 

    We did a lot of work like always. Lots of small miracles that keep building on each other that lead to bigger finding opportunities to the Lord's chosen. We've just been grinding this week but crazy miracle have happened with our work. We've found a family of 7 that really wants to learn. I don't know, just my faith is being built up every week little by little and it's really cool how when we act in faith how our faith just grows. Alma got it right when he compared it to a seed. Our faith not only starts like a seed but it grows sometimes at the rate of a small seed. Little by little. I personally think I'm a perfectionist, so it's important to remember that good solid progress is slow and little by little. (Alma 32: 26-30)

Missions are awesome that's all I got to say. Love your favorite missionary


Week 13 11/25/19 Work work work... Vomit

Work work work... Vomit      11/25/19

This week has been awesome. I've learned so much. Me and my New comp are absolutely killing it out here in castorena 3. The beginning of the week we went on interchanges with the assistances to show us how it be out here. I was with Elder Caceres, lil short fella from Honduras that only speaks Spanish. I learned so many New and better way to teach so that people understand and feel of God's love from them. We've just been having a great week.
Me and Elder McStraw (new comp) have had to start from almost nothing. We've done a ton of knocking and talking to people on the Street. It's been super fun. I've talked to more drunk people this week then I have in my whole life. Cool story with that though- We were helping a lady carry a table into to her house. Then a guy was just sitting in a door way by her house so I just started talking to him. He's a wood worker too I think. And then he just kindly let us into his house where there was his wife a few of his kids(20-35) there was a few beer cans. The kids seemed fine but the wife and maybe the dad was a bit drunk but they said they wanted to hear god's word. I shared a scripture in the Book of Mormon and introduces it to them and invited them to read and pray and find out from themselves if it's true. The while family of 5 committed to do it and we have a new cita(lesson) with them too. But the son said some really interesting things while we're talking. He said he just wishes everyone was from the same church. It was just a really cool experience, its little hard to describe. I think we were guided to that house slowly by the spirit. Even if some where a ill drunk. I think we were there for a reason. We missed a cita with a testigo to talk and explain to them the gospel and I think that was all god's plan. 

Lots of cool experience like that this week. We've found 13 New people to teach and most are families and really want to progress I feel like. Also I found out today that the tienda investigators we had in my last area wants to be baptized this Saturday. How cool! Feel so much joy for him.

But ya today been ehh. Last night we planed our day perfectly and called it Corbett day cause I was in charge of planning this p day. We were all so hyped. We had book of Mormon videos planned and nap time and museum time. We had it all and then at 6:10 (20mins before the start of the day) I realized something wasn't right. I got up ran to the bathroom, hand over my mouth. And 1-3 steps before I was at the toilet it over filled and I blew over the ground, sopas and all.(that's what we ate yesterday). So I've been bed ridden basically all day. Vomiting here and there. I'm actually using the assistance's phones to write this cause I'm to scared to vomit at the cyber. It's been a day. But I feel really good about this week. We've worked so hard and I think it's really payed off. A lot a new people have now heard the beginning of the gospel and we have a lot of people that want to keep hearing more. I'm starting to feel the real joy of sharing the gospel. I know everyone can gain from the true knowledge of the atonement of Jesus and His church just as I have.
Love everyone back home. Especially my family

Love your favorite elder
Elder Corvette

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week 12 11/18/19 Week of Miracles

I wish I had more time to write but changes were this week and man were they needed for me. Anyways last week all in all was awesome.  Just tons of miracles.
We almost got robbed and instead they confessed they were drugies and wanted to change.  They asked for our help, since they realized, we were messengers of God. It was a really cool experience, super spiritual.  Also walking and contacting randomly when I felt prompted to go up this random street.  We started knocking and one after another, were Catholics, we don't want your message. Side note - we were contacting by asking if we could sing a hymn to them and then offer a prayer to bless their family. We finally got to a door that would allow us to sing. I offered the prayer, in the best Spanish I could muster. She then said thanks and wanted to learn more. She told us that her mom is having lots of mental problem and she's been praying for help. She said we were the answer to her prayers. It was really special and I gave her a big hug because she was crying.  Just lots of little awesome experiences this week.
Zone Conference was awesome, just love our mission president and I know he loves each and every one of us.

Okay also the greatest miracle of all was I was transferred to a new area called Castarano. It's the areas of the apes(assistant to the President). I'm with an awesome new missionary and we are going to hit it super hard this week and all of this change. Everyone has told me I hit the jackpot with this area and with my new comp. I basically am in the best area in the mission (missionary work wise) and have the best person to finish out my training. I don't know what I did to deserve this but I'm so thank for the trust of the lord and mission president to work here with this missionary.
I'm so happy with my last change and everything that I learned and experienced and so ready for this new one.

yo amo todo de ustedes
Love Elder Corbett
Hasta luego

Por Padres y siblings. I had the chance to see president today and he said that I need to tell you guys he loves you for raising me right.  He's just happy to have me here in the mission and to thank ya'll for everything you have done to help me be the person I am today. Thank you for all your love and prayers. 

Love your favorite Elder Austin James Corbett

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Week 11 11/11/19 ay, We out here in Mexico City

This week has been rough to say the least. We had a Ton of citas set up this week and a bunch of them dropped when we got there. We've seen lots of miracles here though One of the inactive members that hasn't gone to church in 6ish years attended this week, that was really cool. Also we were lost in one area while searching for a house. We went up and down this road and then on our way back up realizing we were going the right way, a man called us over. He wasn't there before and we have no idea where he came from. He called us over and asked us to come teach him again and that he wants to learn more, it was super cool, brief but awesome. 
The buses here are crazy let me tell ya. You thought kiosk sales people were bad image them getting on your bus and selling candy and popsicles. I almost always reject kindly (except the popsicles). I was contacting the guy I was sitting next to and the guy tried giving me one and I rejected and said no gracias with a smile. He then looked at me with shock and then got in front of everyone on the bus and started quoting the bible and saying stuff like how can a person with the name of Christ be so rude. (i didn't fully understand) then at the end the guy next to me bought 3. He gave one to my comp and me. It was a weird experience but awesome. Then today he got on our bus again and he gave us one lil candy for free. I'm super confused. But ya busses in Mexico man are wack 

Mosiah 3:19 this scripture is my favorite, read it. I learned more about it this week in a speech by Elder Bednar about it. I just invite everyone to research more about the part of becoming a saint through the atonement. reflect on the question. How can the atonement enable me to be more of a saint and do good. Its helped me a lot this week and will help me a lot to come. 
I hope everyone has a great week and just enjoys life.   Love you all! 
Hasta luego,   

Elder Corbett

 The sky one day this week

 A big ol 6-7 story Mall with a Walmart in it and a giant Christmas Tree.  Living life Big!

 Living my best life - eatin some good Dairy Freaking Queen

 Elder Stokes, my District Leader - Love this guy!

me partying hard in our courtyard