Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Week 13 11/25/19 Work work work... Vomit

Work work work... Vomit      11/25/19

This week has been awesome. I've learned so much. Me and my New comp are absolutely killing it out here in castorena 3. The beginning of the week we went on interchanges with the assistances to show us how it be out here. I was with Elder Caceres, lil short fella from Honduras that only speaks Spanish. I learned so many New and better way to teach so that people understand and feel of God's love from them. We've just been having a great week.
Me and Elder McStraw (new comp) have had to start from almost nothing. We've done a ton of knocking and talking to people on the Street. It's been super fun. I've talked to more drunk people this week then I have in my whole life. Cool story with that though- We were helping a lady carry a table into to her house. Then a guy was just sitting in a door way by her house so I just started talking to him. He's a wood worker too I think. And then he just kindly let us into his house where there was his wife a few of his kids(20-35) there was a few beer cans. The kids seemed fine but the wife and maybe the dad was a bit drunk but they said they wanted to hear god's word. I shared a scripture in the Book of Mormon and introduces it to them and invited them to read and pray and find out from themselves if it's true. The while family of 5 committed to do it and we have a new cita(lesson) with them too. But the son said some really interesting things while we're talking. He said he just wishes everyone was from the same church. It was just a really cool experience, its little hard to describe. I think we were guided to that house slowly by the spirit. Even if some where a ill drunk. I think we were there for a reason. We missed a cita with a testigo to talk and explain to them the gospel and I think that was all god's plan. 

Lots of cool experience like that this week. We've found 13 New people to teach and most are families and really want to progress I feel like. Also I found out today that the tienda investigators we had in my last area wants to be baptized this Saturday. How cool! Feel so much joy for him.

But ya today been ehh. Last night we planed our day perfectly and called it Corbett day cause I was in charge of planning this p day. We were all so hyped. We had book of Mormon videos planned and nap time and museum time. We had it all and then at 6:10 (20mins before the start of the day) I realized something wasn't right. I got up ran to the bathroom, hand over my mouth. And 1-3 steps before I was at the toilet it over filled and I blew over the ground, sopas and all.(that's what we ate yesterday). So I've been bed ridden basically all day. Vomiting here and there. I'm actually using the assistance's phones to write this cause I'm to scared to vomit at the cyber. It's been a day. But I feel really good about this week. We've worked so hard and I think it's really payed off. A lot a new people have now heard the beginning of the gospel and we have a lot of people that want to keep hearing more. I'm starting to feel the real joy of sharing the gospel. I know everyone can gain from the true knowledge of the atonement of Jesus and His church just as I have.
Love everyone back home. Especially my family

Love your favorite elder
Elder Corvette

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