Monday, October 7, 2019

Week 3 9/13/19 (Friday the 13) party's over. no mas fun

This week has been a blur. It's been a lot of fun but now, we've started teaching lessons for real. We totally sucked our first one. Our next few we totally killed though. It's been great with the lessons though. It's been hard to get used to focusing in study time without music playing in my ears. That's been a fun challenge, it's like I actually need self control to focus or something. we got the big red book with lots of great phrases to help me with my teaching. It's really hard to remember all the word you need to know when you're in a lesson so I often just say a lot of the same stuff in a slightly different order lol. 

To be honest I don't remember anything funny that's happened, everything is work work work now. We did have a mini spa night last night though. p-day eve we go hard out here. Tomorrow and Sunday is their independence day so me and my roommates are gunna sneak out and go fiesta with them. naw just kidding, we're going to do the opposite. We have to be in our casas by 9, no exceptions. Also the wall to get out is super high and there's barbwire at the top. I'm too tired to walk to class most of the time so I don't even want to try.

We went to the temple today. I got a dope sock tie at a little shop by where everyone buys ties by the temple.  That's how you tell if people here are veterans or new boys, I'm official, baby. But the drive there was super interesting. The first 45 min we just chilled and looked at the crazy world and joked around. then the last 15 we sang hymns in Spanish. I don't have a hymn book so I just hummed. I started to feel the spirit so strong while we sang. It reminded me of the whole concept of being in the world but not of it. despite the fact that I was looking out the window in to this crazy town I could still feel the spirit stronger then I have all week. it was great.  

1 nefi 15:24- hold to the iron rod with everything you got and the devil won't be able to touch you(that's at least how I remember it)

Until next week,  love hearing from y'all,

Elder Corbett

Also a cool thing happened at the visitor center today.  I've been praying a lot for help with my Spanish and then this random 11-12 boy came up to me while I was waiting for my companion in the bathroom and started talking to me. I didn't know everything he was saying so we used a little Google translate on his phone to help us communicate. it was awesome and such a blessing in my life. It felt like that kid was sent from god to help me with my Spanish. It makes me  tear up out of joy, God is really out here helping me out. 

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