Monday, October 7, 2019

Week-2 9-6-19 party has begun

So I had a couple miracles with the language  this week. First off on Saturday last week, 3 whole different groups of Latinos came and talked to us randomly while we were just studying outside. They help me with my Spanish practice. One of them said that they saw the gift of language  in me and my companion. I think he was just talking about my companion cause he is doing so well. I have a bunch of Latino friends now. I learned how to say "your zippers is down" in Spanish. I say that to them all as a joke and they think it's funny.  We've played a lot of soccer and I'm getting better, day by day like the Spanish, right?  We played with the Latinos and i lobed it over one of their heads to my companion and then my companion scored, it was a miracle. My companion is fire at soccer though too.  The second miracle with Spanish is that I got the first vision and the mission objective memorized. I knew no Spanish and already have that totally memorized. 

Me and my companion are getting along very nicely.   We were made district leaders on like the 3rd night and he was supper uptight but I don't take life too seriously so he is loosened up now. Maybe I did my job to good though cause we can't stay focused in our night classes. The teacher asked one of the elders why he looked sad and if it was because he missed his family. The elder actually had terrible diarrhea and was in a lot of pain so we couldn't help but laugh at it . I almost peed my pants we were laughing so hard. there's a lot of that kind of stuff in class. At night though it is so bad cause we are so tired.

I'm learning so much spiritual knowledge and what this gospel really is about. One of the biggest revelations from god was Sunday when the branch president spoke to the district leaders and called us unto repentance and said this basically "you on the Lord's clock now, you need to be doing what' he needs you to do. This isn't a time to make friends. this is the lord time so don' t be wasting." After hearing that and telling our district that we've been wrecking our goals. We've done a ton of memorization. were way ahead of schedule for that.  Two people already have all 42 themes and references memorized. I've learned this week that you need to realize that god sees in you so much more then you see in yourself.  You gotta work super hard and stay focused. but, we each have so much untapped potential and if we only look in the Lord's lense we can then achieve it.

hasta luego

Mom. love you still, I really miss your hugs. I literally never thought that I'd be able to say that. When I was sick I had to get a hug from one of the elders that was kind of like a big teddy bear. It was nice but nothing like yours. I can't send pictures yet either. love you bye

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